Saturday, March 10, 2012

What does it mean to be Maori in today's society.

This is an open question to all people of Maori decent. Infact this is open to anybody with an opinion aswell. Make sure you state whether your "Maori or Non-Maori" What does it mean to be Maori in today's society if I....

- Dont speak Te Reo Maori and really can't be bothered listening or learning it.
- Know a bit but dont really know enough about my whakapapa
- wasn't brought up or born in NZ and haven't been home in ages.
- was brought up in a non-Maori enviroment   e.g Pakeha Family...Wealthy area...In the City.
- hardly practice anything Maori    e.g Karakia,waiata,hongi......

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject because I believe we are in a generation of re-building as a people and should be able to speak on these issues freely.